Heh, had fun with this one >_< Could have been better with voices X_X
Archive for keith
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Let there be cake
Too lazy to shade again… oh well >_< But seriously, I think I’ve gotten a lot better since the 14th comic -_-
Loooonggg delay huh? College and laziness takes most of my time… and my laptop broke down in the meanwhile(good thing I managed to fixed it) Might look a little different because I made this on my dad’s Mac, colors look[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ack! They keep looking different every time I draw them… and I’m terrible with hands!! Heh, at least I know I’m getting better, somehow… o_O Like they say “Practice makes almost perfect”.
The only thing animated is Myan’s eyes. I know I could have used GIF instead but gradients doesn’t look that great in it.