I used colors cause I didn’t know how to do backgrounds then… kinda bright and cheery to my eyes @_@ AND KEITH LOOKS SO HORRIBLE, GAWD!! X_X Blargh, just making up titles right now since I didn’t really think up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for myan
Skipped two weeks of comics… probably was playing games or just lazying around, don’t really remember >_< I put Keith’s profile over there cause I can’t think of something to put there, heh. Even this early I was already delaying!
Used a reference pic in drawing Myan. Would have been a lot easier if we had a cat cause cats love sleeping. Oh and look, who or what’s that outside the window? (it’s a window cause I said so -_-)[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I almost think the first panel’s okay though I know that leaves aren’t that green at night. Keith’s looking a bit better but still kinda ugly o_O . It’s because I wasn’t used to my Wacom tablet yet. Freakin moon,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Okay, I know what you’re thinking. Why would a guy send a naked (cat) girl outside? Well, wouldn’t you send strangers away from your home? Plus Keith’s a nice guy so he doesn’t take advantage of people -_- And, arghh..![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Art’s looking a bit better but it still doesn’t resemble my style yet… And I don’t know, I hate Keith’s look on the first frame… >:c HAHAHAHA “style”. Seriously folks, at this point, you don’t really have a style yet.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lol, back to cheap, colored backgrounds again. Lol, cheap talking heads too! Good thing someone criticized me there or I would’ve never improved! Here, future me will help draw the “action” that was blocked!
The last frame isn’t supposed to be up close like that, but I hate drawing bodies cause I’m not that good with them yet 🙁 Ironically, it’s also the only way to get better at drawing bodies. I still kinda[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
10th comic and first flash comic ever. Why celebrate 10th comic? I’m celebrating small milestones that’s why. Tammy’s walking in a hallway and turning around a corner if you didn’t get it X_X Haven’t reached 100 comics yet… sadly. Anyway…[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think I got lucky drawing three people almost properly with backgrounds here… Lol for the long awkward moment… I love their OMG expression on their faces, Myan’s passive look, her pose(which I got right somehow…) Imagine what Tammy’s seeing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…