Man, these fireworks must be lame. Fireworks was supposed to be animated, maybe next year I’ll try it.
Archive for myan
90 results.
Okay, I’m back guys! I think I got a bit better around here again… except when drawing Keith’s back *shudder*
I wanted to do this for pages 49-50 but oh well, better late than never.
Hurray for being in the zone! With it, I suddenly get loads better, the problem is getting in that state, and keeping it. Hmm…
Yes, the whole premise of Cat Nine is because of THAT. And some people thought she has an ulterior motive. W’hever.
Flashback over at last, whew. Changed Myan’s hair color again, added some red, and some blue for her eyes, and their hairstyles, even if it’s only a little bit. Yes, Myan’s hotter now heh. Say, does her pose remind you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…